Books By Vera Joffe

I am the author of numerous publications on Selective Mutism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and other anxiety disorders.

Sophie's Story: A Guide To Selective Mutism

This book is written from the point of view of a child who has Selective Mutism. 

This book is a guide to parents, children, and educators to understand what Selective Mutism is, and it provides some suggestions of strategies on how to help the child become more comfortable communicating socially and verbally at school and in other places where he/she feels anxious.

This book can be used at home, at school, at a psychologist office, and with extended members of family.

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A Day in the Life of an Adult with ADHD - Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


A Day in the Life of an Adult with ADHD describes the chore of impairments that adults with ADHD have in their everyday life activities. 

The book is written in an easy format and is illustrated with key pictures that help explain the difficulties that an adult with ADHD faces with work, family life, emotional, social, and regular chores. The book was based on the empirical evidence and theory of ADHD developed by Dr. Russell A. Barkley.

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Hi, My Name is Matt: I Have Asperger Syndrome

This book describes the nature of Autism Spectrum Disorder [Level 1] (previously Asperger’s Syndrome), from the point of view of a child who is about 8 years old. Dedicated for children between the ages of 5 and 9, it explains how children with A.S.D. differ from other children, but with emphasis on the talents and gifts that these children often present, and not just the impairments they may have and the difficulties they face.

This book is indicated for children with A.S.D., for their families, school teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, and for typical children who have a child with A.S.D. in their lives. In the end, a special section for parents and educators is provided where adults can read a brief description of A.S.D.

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My First Visit to the Dentist

This children’s book is an introduction to the experience of a first visit to the dentist as well as to the importance of oral hygiene for young children (such as brushing and flossing teeth). When children start going to the dentist early in life, they develop a positive relationship with that experience as well as good oral health. Parents can read this book to their children before a visit to the dentist to help them be prepared and know what to expect from a visit to the dentist.

In addition, this book may help parents in developing a routine for oral hygiene with their children when they are young: to brush and floss their teeth, and to have a positive experience when going to the dentist. It is the hope of the author that this book can be shared with families and also with schools to help children of all ages (starting in preschool settings) develop the good health practice of brushing their teeth not just at home but also at school.

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